What is this all about
Simply, it is about my journey and sharing the Gospel. It will be a place to bring non-believers and believers together to Love one another, share, and Support one another, and do so on the common ground of the outdoor work God has given us, be it Camping, Fishing, Homesteading, or just sitting around a campfire cooking a meal.
My name is Kevin Blackburn. I am the guy behind Leeson Outdoors. First, the name Leeson Outdoors came about while brainstorming with my wife. It is in honor of my father, who first introduced me to the outdoors, hunting, fishing, camping, survival, etc. His middle name was LEE, and I am his son, so LEESON.
A Faith-Based journey to know a love God better through the love of the outdoor world he created for us
About Me
I am a man forgiven by God, my sins washed away by Jesus, and my baggage is just part of my life story—the best is yet to be written.
I look forward to the chance to share my testimony and hear yours with anyone who wants to share, and I hope we can do it in the wilderness God gave us around a campfire.
Hebrews (12:29) For Our God is a Consuming Fire!
Allow yourself to be still by the fire and let God's fire into your heart and lift you in times of crisis, praise, or fellowship. God will reveal his love to you!
I am a USAF Veteran, lifelong outdoorsman, former Firefighter Medic, Ski Patroler, SAR team Member, and Rescue Diver. for eighteen years, I owned and ran a commercial and documentary photography business, Traveling 275-plus days a year and staying safe. This is a sneak peek of just some of my history. In October 2020, at age 46, I was in HINDSIGHT, in the blessed position to retire. In the Spring of 2021,
In December 2023, My life came crashing down; God lifted me up and said it was time to get to work, and I have! There is still a long journey of healing and recovery ahead, but I am embracing God and the path God is laying before me moving forward each and every Starting with God because only through Jesus and God can what I have here and now be the best I can imagine.