Rt 50 20/20 Vision of America project started originally as an idea around mid-2011. I was a little over a year post-divorce and just home from my second trip to Hati and I had just finished up in 2010 shoot Seasons in the Valley league another personal project I have not done much with other than feed my creative soul. I honestly can't remember what made it click or even where I first heard about RT 50. I do remember it hit me that I wanted to cross the United States looking for something I had lost! A connection to this great country and the people who live here and make it a great place to live. I do recall a Time Magazine article I found and a small E-Book that I purchased about RT 50, but the story I want to tell and what I am looking for is deeper something more meaningful.
The project has been on and off a few times, and in various stages of planning but now in fall 2019 I have finally decided no more mucking about let's make this thing happen, so I am. I did a test run in October and I learned a lot and I am excited. I have an official start date of February 2020 and dates planned out for travel through June 2020. I am still working on what exactly the project will be and what the end product will be, but I guess that will start to hash itself out when I start the first part of this journey in October.
That's the basic overview here ar a few key points.
I plan to shoot about one week a month some months more some months less.
I am planning to shoot and produce the stills in B&W I want to shoot it as much as possible in B&W. Why? for a few reasons one it helps me create better images without the distraction of color. I am using mirrorless cameras so I can see in B&W as I shoot. Also, for the viewers taking color out, I feel B&W helps people dig deeper into the work when they are looking at it. Plus, it just seems to fit the project to me. The video I have not decided if it will be color B&W or a mix but I am hoping to make some sort of documentary out of this.
I have zero agenda or real plan I do have a shortlist of interests to keep an eye out for but I am going to shoot what piques my interest plain and simple and I am going to do everything I can to keep it non-political! I think what I think you think what you think and the best thing is we live in America and that's our right to agree or disagree but there is no reason we can't be good to each other.
I do not have any sponsors or financial backers at this point in the beginning and that is for a number of reasons chief of which is I am not good at fundraising and I want to be very careful about who thinks they have a say in my story! that being said I am happy to take donations or offer up a sponsorship just shoot me an email or hit the donate button.
This is about me I need to do this for my own creative soul and the story is about the things I see and the people I meet! If you think you have something interesting along RT 50 I need to see or someone I need to meet PLEASE email or call 540-470-0543 me I want to know.
As of today February 2020 there are plans for a book, Fine art prints, Posters, a documentary video os some kind and video shorts. and whatever else I can think of. I do not expect to turn a profit I just want to break even if I can